Finish that quote trivia
Finish that quote trivia

finish that quote trivia finish that quote trivia

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - "Gone With the Wind," 1939.Īt the end of the film, Clark Gable's character Rhett Butler is leaving his wife, Scarlett. "You're gonna need a bigger boat." - "Jaws," 1975.Ģ. It’s a list that covers every genre from cartoons to political dramas and stretches from the very first talkies of the 1920s to modern-day blockbusters.ġ. The emphasis is on short and standalone quotes rather than lengthier speeches or passages of dialogue.

finish that quote trivia

The Infoplease list revises and updates the AFI selection to include more recent movies and films made outside of America to bring the grand total to 150 best movie quotes of all time. They used a jury of 1,500 film artists and critics to vote for the top 100. Quotes that find their way into popular culture and become instantly recognizable, even if people haven’t actually seen the film it’s taken from.Ī great starting point for any list of movie quotes is the selection put together by the American Film Institute to celebrate the organization’s centenary in 2005. What makes a great move quote is subjective but can be considered as the film dialogue and phrases that people remember. Here’s an overview of some of the very best movie quotes across almost a century of movie making. So while technology has radically transformed the way movies are made since the early days of the "talkies", the power of words and dialogue remains the same. They also have the power to take on a life of their own and become embedded within mainstream popular culture. Great movie quotes, such as "May the Force be with you" from "Star Wars", do more than just enhance the movies they are in. Words that perfectly capture a moment or tug on our heartstrings or just make us weak with laughter. And with it came the challenge for screenwriters to create dialogue that could entertain and captivate their audiences. When the "Jazz Singer" was released in 1927, it brought a whole new world of sound to the movies.

Finish that quote trivia